
Prototipo Standard B

The Prototipo Standard B is an Italian tier 9 medium tank. This vehicle is one of the prototypes developed and built under the Kampfpanzer ...

Standard B — Tier IX European medium tank

Average HP, Average DPM, Penetration 240, Damage 350, Reload time 5.76 (Auto-reloader), Precise, Good gun depression, Fast, Good mobility, Good view range.

媽媽咪呀!之我沒想到這是神車!Prototipo Standard B 三卓越心得。

【心得】義大利,媽媽咪呀!之我沒想到這是神車!Prototipo Standard B 三卓越心得。 · 1.裝甲太薄,被丟個HE很容易滿傷 · 2.它是德國豹1的車體,不同在於相 ...

【心得】Prototipo Standard B 心得。 @戰車世界World of Tanks 哈啦板

這是台很棒的義大利車。速度、火力、隱蔽值!三項優點促成了這台動作敏捷迅速的戰將。 搭配全新的砲彈裝填機制讓Stendard B同時擁有普通狙擊車與游擊車兩種 ...

Prototipo Standard B

This vehicle is one of the prototypes developed and built under the Kampfpanzer Standard program (which Italy joined in 1958) with the cooperation of ...


$122,900.00 供應中 尺寸:寬160 × 深84.5 × 高73 / 座高40 cm 材質:樺木、布料、皮革、高密度泡綿、羽毛. 1988年,P.F.S. 在東京惠比壽發跡,設計捨棄較浮誇的線條,選擇回歸材料本質,利用 ...

Prototipo Standard B IX

3D Model, Ratings, Equipment, Crews, Field modifications, Marks of excellence, Marks of mastery & WN8 for Prototipo Standard B.

Prototipo Standard B - World of Tanks

Prototipo Standard BTier IX Italian Medium Tank Support ; Weaponry. DPM 2,048.07 ; Mobility. Top speed (km/h) 65 ; Everything Else. Hull armor (mm) 50 / 25 / 15.

Prototipo Standard B:評論、特性、比較

此車輛是在Kampfpanzer 標準計畫(義大利於1958 年加入) 中與Ingenieurbüro Warneke、Rheinstahl Hanomag、Henschel 以及Rheinmetall 合作下所研發的其中一輛原型車。

Prototipo Standard B

This vehicle is one of the prototypes developed and built under the Kampfpanzer Standard program (which Italy joined in 1958) with the cooperation of ...


ThePrototipoStandardBisanItaliantier9mediumtank.ThisvehicleisoneoftheprototypesdevelopedandbuiltundertheKampfpanzer ...,AverageHP,AverageDPM,Penetration240,Damage350,Reloadtime5.76(Auto-reloader),Precise,Goodgundepression,Fast,Goodmobility,Goodviewrange.,【心得】義大利,媽媽咪呀!之我沒想到這是神車!PrototipoStandardB三卓越心得。·1.裝甲太薄,被丟個HE很容易滿傷·2.它是德國豹1的車體,不同在於相 ....
